Dites, les gens... c'est un dark pattern, ça, ou bien je suis fatigué (site culturev.fr) ?
La première copie d'écran est ce qui s'affiche « par défaut », et pour la seconde j'ai modifié deux des interrupteurs. Mais ai-je dit oui, ou ai-je dit non ???
Je ne suis pas allé plus loin et ai quitté le site, faut pas déconner non plus. #darkpattern
So, I just encounter a (dark?) pattern on an online shop.
During a search (with not what I search in it, sadly), I hit this page :
Admire the "Add to cart" button giggling to attract your click ...
And the "Please give your mail address to you popup too ...
And I didn't force to have it, just no or just basic JS enabled (NoScript).
Is this a tactics to make you go away ?
It's the pre-conference waiting music while attendees navigate the unintentional #darkpattern of the stubborn AV touchscreen interface https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ozy1EcB9kY
Actually, dark patterns do exist on #Mastodon. We don’t recognize them as dark patterns because we’re too politicized to see what’s obvious in plain sight.
But here’s an example of a #darkpattern on Mastodon: harassers being able to send you abusive messages as “followers only”. This renders the message invisible from public view while being visible to everyone who follows the abuser – followers who are likely to have the same toxic affinity as the abuser.
Let’s not pretend this is not a dark pattern. It clearly is.
RE: https://mastodon.social/users/harryprayiv/statuses/114082840668402297
Built for Mars case study on "How Airline Checkouts Deceive You" https://builtformars.com/case-studies/flights-chapter-3
#uxdesign #darkpattern #money
As I am in the process of cancelling it, here's a view of the current UK #Disney Plus subscription prices. As you can see they now have the #enshittification option of "with ads". Presumably the "ad-free" will have ads soon too. Being a #darkpattern based design, this "change your plan" page of course lacks any option to pause or cancel my subscription. The hunt begins...
@goodenough for sure but it's def a #darkpattern trend I've noticed, started I'm pretty sure by Microsoft with...with...at least Windows 8, nagging and even resetting options. I think it got worse in windows 10 or 11.
Sheesh you'd think I'd dedicate more of my brain to "which operating system sucked the most"
@mike no, this is intentional, just like any other #DarkPattern use designed to nudge #TechIlliterates into #Office365 and ither #subscriptions!
För många av apparna så måste jag också ta mig igenom kakmonstret, om allt de vill damsuga mig på.
Från erfarenhet så är det värt besväret lägga upp till minuter, som de värsta syndarnas #DarkPattern består av. Där särskilt bakdörren #BerättigatIntresse sticker ut. Väldigt vanligt allt är påslaget som standard där, även om allt annat som standard är avslaget. Det är så utstuderat dåligt så det skriker!
Belöningen är inte bara mindre störning - ofta märks tydlig prestandaförbättring
#Flickr c'est vraiment bof, même pas moyen de supprimer son compte.
Merci pour le #DarkPattern !
The seven fines totalling $112,500 against the political group include accepting contributions from outside Alberta and Canada and circumventing election advertising spending limits.
Parker is being fined a total of $7,500 for three violations, including for knowingly making false statements on financial reports, according to a list of the administrative penalties published on Elections Alberta’s website.#DarkMoney #DarkPattern
Is this #UX issue a #darkpattern #deceptivepattern? No! Don't assume malice before incompetence. The website for Pearson VUE testing centers, where people sometimes reschedule extremely stressful exams they want to be well prepared for, lets users successfully complete the rescheduling process online, and then doesn't actually reschedule them. Testees then show up on the wrong day, possibly with the original testing date passed, and they can't get a refund.
Ich versuche vergeblich auf https://www.threads.net auf die #Datenschutz-Bestimmungen im Footer der Seite zu klicken. Beim Scrollen zum Seitenende erscheint kurz ein Footer-Menü, dass aber sofort wieder verschwindet.
Liegt das an mir oder habe ich ein #DarkPattern gefunden? #TeamDatenschutz
@mattwilcox yep.
e.g. I think it’s safe to say that the plan to put the US Treasury on a blockchain is a very #darkPattern indeed https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2025/02/02/this-needs-to-stop-now-elon-musk-confirms-radical-doge-us-treasury-plan/
#darkpattern chez #Deezer
cliquer sur "tout refuser" décoche les cases qui sont cochées par défaut...j'avions pas vu parce que j'avions déjà tout refusé apparemment ^^
Rien ne se passe en cliquant sur "tout refuser" et la couleur des boutons ne change pas après avoir cliqué sur enregistrer... Comment je sais si mon choix est pris en compte moi ??
apprécié pour essayer d'en savoir plus
Really not digging Apple adding another #DarkPattern without user consent.
How is this even legal in EU under GDPR?
Settings option to Learn from this App
is active by default. I was never asked to consent.
The only way of opting out is manually disabling the setting for every
Apple will say this is all on device. But if I see no benefit, why even opt-in. And coupled with #AppleIntelligence this becomes a lot more complicated. I don't want my app usage analyzed whatsoever.
@EUCommission @bfdi
#learnfromthisapp #apple #siri #privacy
Locken, drängeln, binden: Viele #DarkPatterns in beliebten Shopping-Apps | iX Magazin https://www.heise.de/news/Locken-draengeln-binden-Viele-Dark-Patterns-in-beliebten-Shopping-Apps-10254447.html #DarkPattern #SocialMedia #eCommerce #DigitalServicesAct #DSA #DigitalFairnessAct #DFA