Here is the first article of a series, on how to build a search engine, from scratch, in Rust.
Feel free to give me some feedback
Following the introduction, here is the part 1 of my series of articles on how to build a crossplatform search engine from scratch, in #rustlang.
This section will handle how we'll store the encrypted data on any platform.
Enjoy reading it, feel free to provide some feedback, here or directly on GitHub
@jdrouet just wanted to say you started a great series. Looking forward to upcoming articles, thank you!
@jdrouet good article, looking forward to more!
I've got a question regarding `Directory::files`: when iterating over the files, you're `await`ing them one at a time – doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose of async? Could one instead spawn a task for each file, and then `join` all the handles?
I think an even nicer implementation could be some kind of `directory.files().filter(Path::is_file).collect()`, but that would require `AsyncIterator`, which AFAIK Rust doesn't currently have
@pmmeurcatpics thanks for your feedback!
Spawning a task for each file would require importing a runtime, which I decided not to do. Here, we only use `futures_lite` which doesn't have this `join` macro.
Taking a step back, this function will almost never be used so even if we optimise this, it will not be visible.