It's too wet. I want to go mapping. #openstreetmap
It's too wet. I want to go mapping. #openstreetmap
@pelle @eliasp Regarding #OpenStreetMap searching the wiki for tag definitions, I find nice tool to quickly and easily locate documentation. Usually works much better then built-in mediawiki search IMHO...
Und dann kam mir die Idee, wir brauchen eine Karte auf #openstreetmap Basis, die
-alle Tempo-30-Einrichtungen (Kitas, Altenheime etc.) mit Eingang zu Tempo-50-Zonen anzeigt,
-alle Fußgängerüberwege in Tempo-50-Zonen und
-alle Lücken zwischen Tempo-30-Zonen kleiner 500m etc.
Damit jeder mit einem kurzen Blick schauen kann, ob er Tempo-30 bei sich in der Straße durchsetzen kann.
What's Strava done? I've logged in and pasted in the keys and it's 403 when I open the layer in JOSM. I got a plugin to construct the URL for me and it's 403. I played with a few things in it and it's 403. My policy key always had an underscore at the end, now not. That's different anyway.
Don't make me use these tracks. Some day I'll have to admit while this 14 year old military grade GPSr still runs, there are whole systems of GPS it doesn't know about. Well, at least one that got decrypted since the latest firmware update.
i recently installed @streetcomplete to try and start adding details to #openstreetmap. however it doesn't seem be turning on the gps to show me what's around, anyone know what's up with that?
i enabled all the permissions, and it does notice if they're disallowed, but it never actually tries to use them (would see the green indicator and android would log it)
pixel 6, #grapheneos , android 15 if that makes a difference. same behaviour with f-droid / gplay
#OSM #streetcomplete
I learned yesterday that #OpenStreetMap 's #Android SDK was discontinued on November 20th, 2024. It wasn't perfect but it's a big loss for #AndroidDev.
Norfork, Arkansas seems like it could use some mapping!
Population: 531
Building count: 1
Roads to review: 20
Map link:
CartoFSU, le site des cartes dynamiques de la FSU-SNUipp 67 pour aider les collègues enseignant·es qui participent au mouvement cette année :
Merci #osm #openstreetmap !
OSOR, a major platform promoting open-source solutions across Europe and beyond, recognized Trufi for our work in digitizing informal public transport.
xitter @InteroperableEU
That's each individual house in Saltdean, Brighton & Hove mapped (by myself and user 'UtterClutter') in #OpenStreetMap
La nuit (avant) puis le jour (après)
Ce soir, je dors à Grenoble pour un atelier en nocturne de #Wikipedia.
Non seulement mon hôtel est accessible à pied de la gare, ce qui m'a permis de faire une session de mise à jour #openstreetmap, mais en plus il y a un accueil de qualité.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as #OpenStreetMaps, is in fact, #OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap is not a street map unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning #GIS system made useful by the #osmium libraries, shell utilities and vital tagging scheme comprising a full geospatial information system as defined by #OSGeo.
Urlaubsziel zum #Wandern oder #Radfahren gesucht? Wie wäre es mit einer Region, in der noch viele Wege in #OpenStreetMap keine Angabe zur Oberfläche haben und deswegen das Fahrradrouting mit #BRouter, #Komoot & Co. nicht gut funktionieren kann? Mein Vortrag auf der #fossgis2025 und die darin gezeigten Karten zeigen euch, wo eure Mithilfe gebraucht wird.
Vortragsfolien und Karte:
Video vom Vortrag:
An #OpenStreetMap contributor wrote in Brazilian Portuguese
"use Google maps" is not something you expect to hear at an #OpenStreetMap conference. But here we are.
("... and then go there, see for yourself, and only then add to OSM". So it's all ok.
Has anyone had trouble with `osmfilter` extracting irrelevant objects? For instance, I've said `--keep="amenity=pub"` but the output contains some non-matching things e.g. `power=generator`.
Po letech se na OSM CZ loucime s z duvodu neudrzovani servru.
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Könnt ihr bitte, wenn ihr schon auf einer OpenStreetMap-Konferenz einem Vortrag haltet, OpenStreetMap beim richtigen Namen nennen? Es heißt #OpenStreetMap, nicht OpenStreetMaps – Singular, nicht Plural. Danke. #fossgis2025