Web apps in Lisp how-to: flash messages
Web apps in Lisp how-to: flash messages
How to get a Common Lisp job in 2055. ~ Sebastian Carlos. https://medium.com/@sebastiancarlos/common-lisp-in-2055-f3debf4df01c #CommonLisp
Hi everyone!
I don't know about you, but I just submitted my #ELS2025 #EuropeanLispSymposium Experience Report! According to EasyChair you have seventeen hours left to submit your article!
#lisp #commonLisp https://www.european-lisp-symposium.org/2025/index.html #conference
Just read "How To Get A Common Lisp Job In 2055", enjoyed it.
I would have loved to see some kind of merge of #lem, #mcclim and #nyxt. At least a version of Lem running in Nyxt, making the power of both available to build upon. I have #lisp pretty much top to bottom now (including #guix and #stumpwm), but it's still pretty disconnected. I can control things from emacs though, so that's the middle ground, but I would have loved #CommonLisp there too.
#common #lisp noob question: Is there a way to use libraries like Drakma on non-pthreaded implementations of #commonlisp? Bordeaux-threads fails to install on GNU Clisp or #SBCL on #NetBSD (too old?) and I'm not sure why it needs threading when I do simple one-after-the-other HTTP requests anyway!
Help please!
A roundup of the major Lisp dialects, their ecosystems, and their communities: Scheme, Common Lisp, Clojure, and Racket.
Small but useful improvement in SBCL 2.5.2, there is now a USE-VALUE restart when you call a structure constructor with a value having the wrong type. If you're using the REPL a lot, it's one of these small things that helps. Thanks!
#lispyGopherClimate #lisp #programming #podcast #live Wednesday 0UTC https://archives.anonradio.net/202503050000_screwtape.mp3
#climateCrisis #haiku and #risk #inequality #essay by @kentpitman
#libre #archive update from @hairylarry https://gamerplus.org/@hairylarry/114106383066762290
#ELS2025 submissions extended to Sunday. #LaTeX #ACM #primer / past #proceedings
Notes from my first #language #parser #commonLisp #mcclim #chess
If there are guests, there are guests(?)
@rzeta0 reading a bit about #CommonLisp vs. #Scheme made me aware of how little I know about both of them :D
an openapi library for emacs/elisp. wouldn't that be nice.
maybe could be hacked off this abandonware: https://github.com/kat-co/openapi2cl
with a few little patches i managed to generate a codeberg client in common lisp.
#lispyGopherClimate tomorrow (000UTC Wednesdays, also know as Tuesday Night In The Americas)
- Notes from writing my first ever #languageParser #lisp #commonLisp for my #mcclim Chinese Chess application
- More Chinese Chess facts
- Quick #HowTo on the ACM Primary Article #LaTeX template (since #ELS2025 submissions were extended to Sunday)
- Past European Lisp Symposia conference proceedings
- if you would be another great lisp/history guest, please do volunteer this or any week
#lisp #commonlisp #lispworks #linux #wayland
With LispWorks 8.1 (here on ARM64 / Linux) it runs without X11 (xlsclients then does not list it as a client) using Gtk+ 3 and calling (capi:screen-display-type) returns :WAYLAND .
LispWorks 8.1 has just today been released. Incl. support for GTK+ 3 and Wayland.
Here we go, example video of the YM2610 FM and ADPCM chip emulator running in pure #CommonLisp https://spectra.video/w/qCTiY28LZHbfPeVbej73Ry
This song is the stage 1 music from Metal Slug on the NeoGeo AES.
I've also put my source repository here: https://nanako.mooo.com/fossil/satousynth/ It's still in heavy development, but progressing nicely. #lisp
Getting back into #openframeworks and #cpp again to make some visuals for our next performance in May. In the beginning it felt very rusty, but after a while I started getting into the groove of it. I do miss the interactive coding capabilities of #commonlisp, though. A lot. So I guess it's time for me to finally dive into the depths of learning #opengl and using it in lisp...
Hi there, had to move my account to symbolics@mastodon.social .