Followup on placing calls with #sxmo on #pixel3a
I've successfully placed a call today using the internal mic from command line !
Sxmo dialer does this sequence : create call, change audio mode, start call. And mic is not correctly set up.
But if instead I do : create call, start call, change audio mode ... then it works
At least it worked once for me (I won't rejoice too much before making this work reliably ;))
Now I'll try to reproducee and tweak sxmo scripts ...
did the inversion in /usr/bin/sxmo_modemcall.sh and it works !!!
I've done other modifications before this one for test, I think this is not the only necessary mod, but I have something working ! ...
this was my quest of the week ;)
@fdlamotte Awesome work! Thanks again for pioneering all this! Looking forward to the patch, let me know if you need help.
@proycon Yes, I'll work on a patch, and can test it on op6 and pp too ...
If needed I'll add a NO_CALLAUDIO_BEFORE_START variable ...
I'll need some time for that, because I'll first switch to current sxmo git (using the repo now)
Very happy to help on that one ...